First TCI Global Webinar in 2023: “Flying challenges. What will lead the cluster agenda of the future?”

Natalia Gutierrez,

Over 50 participants registered for the first TCI global webinar of the year “Flying challenges. What will lead the cluster agenda of the future?”, on 23 February. We presented the main ideas captured from the “Flying Challenges” session that we had at our last TCI Global Conference in Durban, South Africa (November 2022).

We invited some of our members to share how they are helping to develop new strategies and frameworks to make clusters grow and take their work to the next level:

  • How can we support clusters driving new strategies and challenge cluster members in a new direction?

  • How can collaboration be increased, both inside and outside the cluster?

  • What new capacities need to be developed in clusters?

With Stephen Fertuck from Global Innovations Clusters - ISED - Government of Canada and Marc Papell from Cluster  Development Colombia as speakers.

Click here to watch the recording of this session on demand.

Next Global webinars will take place on 22 March and 18 May 2023.

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Webinar screenshotAbout TCI Global Webinars

Since 2019, the TCI Global Webinars are online discussions with experts from the TCI Network where we learn together in an open way on key topics that we identify of interest for the TCI members, as we get exposure to other experiences and understand what worked and what didn´t work so well in real life.

We will organise 3 global webinars in 2023, each webinar lasts 90 min and features 2-3 cluster cases, followed by a joint discussion. The TCI Global Webinars are open to all the TCI global community and free for TCI members. The fee for non-members is 20 euros.


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